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Learning Paths for Lesson Adventures

April 2025
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Introducing Typing Race in Deck.Toys


Our latest game feature is out now in both Slide Apps and Study Set Game – the very fun Typing Race! Your students can now test their typing speed and accuracy using either random texts or your own custom text! Here’s a quick demo of both in this deck:

Typing Race in Slide Apps

Typing Race Slide App allows students to test their typing speed and accuracy using either random text or your own custom text within the Slide & Video Activity. What’s extra cool about this is that students must be able to meet the speed and accuracy required before being able to proceed to the next activity, thus this Typing Race Slide App acts like a Lock as well.

To configure, you click on either ‘Random text’ or ‘Custom text’. The default number of Random text is 20 words, but you can easily configure any number required. The generated words are from a list of 500 commonly used English words.

The Custom text will only work on standard roman alphabets and symbols that can be typed on a normal keyboard. Unicode characters (like Chinese characters) and accented alphabets will be automatically converted to standard roman alphabets for the students to play the game.

The default speed required is >= 0 WPM and default accuracy required is >= 10%. Make this more challenging for your students by changing the drop-down buttons, which will effectively encourage your students to better themselves as this will act as a Lock before being able to move on.

Typing Race in Study Set Games

Just like the Typing Race in Slide Apps, Typing Race in Study Set Games allows students to test their typing speed and accuracy. The difference is the words used will be from the Study Sets that you have introduced in your lesson, so the length of the game is likely much shorter than the Slide App version. Also, students are able to challenge each other with this game. 

By default, the words that would appear in the students view for the Typing Race are the definitions of the selected Study Set (limited to 180 characters). If you would like to use the terms instead, click on the box ‘Flip Terms <–> Definitions’.

I want to start making my own Typing Race now!

Here’s the link for the demo deck if you missed it earlier:

Let us know if you need any help on setting up a fun Typing Race for your students!


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