Deck.Toys Blog

Deck.Toys Blog

Learning Paths for Lesson Adventures

April 2025
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Teacher Feature: Engaging Middle School Students


Some teachers find it difficult to engage middle school students with subjects like Social Studies. But not this teacher from New Jersey who is using Deck.Toys!

John Peach (@mrpeachhistory) is a 6th and 8th grade Social Studies teacher at John Adams Middle School in Edison, NJ. He has used Deck.Toys for more than one and a half years and is excited to share his experience with all teachers.

Deck.Toys: Hi John! Tell us more about yourself.

John: I went to middle school myself and came back!  I also have a Bachelors and Masters in History, and a Masters in Political Science.  

Deck.Toys: What do you like most about Deck.Toys?

John: The self-paced, interactive nature! 

Deck.Toys: How about your students?

John: They like that they can choose their own path and do things at their own level. They also love competing against each other with the challenges, and getting to the Gauntlet app the quickest in order to take away other students’ points. I must say it’s quite entertaining to observe their reactions too!

Deck.Toys: Can you share a deck that you made?

John: Here’s one I did on Bill of Rights Cases:

I love how a simple Bill of Rights study set gets converted to fun study set games in my lesson! Here’s the Match game to illustrate:

Here’s the Lines game for the same study set, which makes for great repetition of facts but in a fun way!

Deck.Toys: Thanks for your time, John! 

For all teachers reading this blog, there are many other interesting decks created by teachers globally available for free in the Deck Gallery! Simply filter to the subject that you are teaching to find a lesson or breakout that meets your requirements.


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