Deck.Toys Blog

Deck.Toys Blog

Learning Paths for Lesson Adventures

April 2025
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How to Share a Deck


You just created the most amazing deck on Deck.Toys but haven’t figured out quite how to share this deck with your fellow colleagues as well as your students. Read on to learn more!

Share to students or a teacher?

While building your deck, you should see a ‘Assign/Share’ button at the top right of your screen. Click on the button to see the drag-down menu. 

The first option ‘Assign to Deck.Toys Classroom’ allows you to assign this deck to your students. If you have not created a specific Deck.Toys Classroom, go to ‘My Dashboard’ to create one first to assign this deck to your students. Without this step, you will not be able to capture student responses, retain student data nor track their progress in real-time.

The second option ‘Share with other teachers’ will bring you to another menu. The default option is ‘Off’, meaning this deck is currently visible only to you, and your students who have the deck assigned to their Deck.Toys Classroom.

I want to share with my colleagues!

Click on ‘On – With Link’ to reveal a deck URL that is unique to your specific deck. With this link, you can now share with other teachers via email or social media (hint: use hashtag #ShareADeck). If they are Deck.Toys users, they can skip activities, reveal locks and make a copy to their own Dashboard to edit the deck. 

Note that this deck still forms part of your private deck allocation, which is 3 decks for Free Plan users and 100 decks for Pro Plan users.

My deck is so good – it should go public!

In the third option ‘On – Public’, you are choosing for your deck to appear in the Deck Gallery. This deck will then be searchable, viewed, used, and copied by any Deck.Toys users globally. Free Plan users can create up to 100 public decks whilst Pro Plan users have up to 200 public decks, but all these decks will be subject to Admin approval and must meet minimum standards.

In order to publish the deck, you would need to go back to ‘My Dashboard’ and click on ‘Edit Deck’ to bring you to the dropdown menu. Click on ‘Share with other teachers’ and it will bring you to the similar menu as above, where you can then click on ‘On – Public’. Follow all the instructions given to get your deck approved. It usually takes between 24-48 hours for deck approval.

Learn more about the differences between private and public decks here:


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