We are excited to share our latest Deck.Toys Slide App: Spin-eroo! It is a unique AI-powered spinner wheel with student selector...
Drag and Drop Lesson Creation with Deck.Toys
Making lesson adventures in Deck.Toys is really easy! Here we will show you where you can apply the Drag and Drop lesson creation in our platform and make your lessons super interactive.

Drag and Drop Existing Material
First of all, you can drag and drop any of your existing teaching material from your desktop into Deck.Toys! Supported file formats are ppt, pptx, doc, docx, pdf, jpg and png.
This eliminates the need to redo all the slides and lesson contents that you already have. Best of all, you can then use that extra time to map out your Learning Paths for Lesson Adventures, and add in engaging and interactive Slide Apps into your lessons.
Note: If you are using Google Slides or Google Docs from your Google Drive, you can use the ‘Insert Media’ function in the Slide Activity instead. This only works if you have signed into Deck.Toys with your Google account.
Where can I drag-and-drop these materials?
#1: Drag and Drop Activities into the Map
You can drag and drop these materials directly into the Map or the Deck Editor. The files will automagically be converted to a Deck.Toys Slide Activity. Once in this format, you can then add interactive Slide Apps into the slides.
If you have multiple images that you are copying, select them together at one go and drag-and-drop these into the map. These images will then be converted into slide images.
#2: Drag and Drop into Slide Activities
If you are already in a Slide Activity, you can also drag and drop your materials into the Slide Area. You should see the section being highlighted in green and a prompt to ‘Drop File’ in the area. Similarly, once in this Deck.Toys Slide format, you can then add interactive Slide Apps into the slides.
Full 5 minute tutorial video by Deck.Toys creator here:
So how do I make these slides interactive again?
Use Slide Apps! There are just so many to choose from, ranging from classic Response Apps, jaw-dropping Supercharge Apps (our most popular one is the Lock App!), Tools and Mystery Apps. We suggest trying out each one and see which ones would be suitable to be applied to your particular lesson.
There is also a Drag n Drop Slide App, which creates draggable elements from your existing slides or any worksheets into target answer areas. This is an incredibly versatile and interactive Slide App that automatically validates students answers, similar to the Lock App. Students can only move on to the next activity once they have completed this Drag n Drop activity correctly.
Final touches
Once you have added these materials into the deck and added the Slide Apps, be sure to link the activities up via the Learning Paths. Students will then need to complete the lesson in the sequential format that you provided them.
Don’t forget to edit the background with eye-catching backgrounds to create the overall ‘feel’ of the lesson adventure! Here are some wonderful backgrounds to get you started: https://blog.deck.toys/eye-catching-deck-backgrounds/
Sign up for free here: https://deck.toys/getstarted
Join us in our Facebook community to discover other ways to create fun lesson adventures for your students: https://www.facebook.com/groups/decktoys
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