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Learning Paths for Lesson Adventures

April 2025
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Back to School Tips with Deck.Toys


Back to School Tips with Deck.Toys

Summer break’s over and it’s time to be with your students again! Read on to find handy tips on resetting your Deck.Toys classroom, discover new features of Deck.Toys that you could do to jazz up both your physical and online lessons, and find ready-made decks!

Resetting your Deck.Toys Classroom

Currently in your Deck.Toys Classroom you see the class list from 2021, and would like to update with new students in the 2022 session. There are two ways to go about it:

  1. Delete the Classroom – quickest way if you have to just start afresh!
  2. Manage Students Individually – this is if you have only a few students to update

Option 1: Delete the Classroom

First, click on the drop-down at the right of Teacher’s View and click ‘Configure Classroom’. 

Then scroll right to the bottom of the screen where you see a Danger Zone. Once you click on “Delete Classroom”, all the existing students’ data in Deck.Toys will be removed and you can start afresh to add your new students.

Option 2: Manage Students Individually

First, click on the drop-down at the right of Teacher’s View and click ‘Manage Students’’. 

Then, click on the ‘Edit’ Button, and choose ‘Delete Student’ to manually remove this particular student from the list. This is also the page where you can ‘Add Student’. 

Note that you do not need to add students manually into the Classroom as they can log in with the Google or Microsoft accounts, or even as a Guest Student. 

However if you wish to make a custom username and password for each student, use the Import Roster function. Click Edit on the student’s row to access the page where you can reset the student’s password.

Features to jazz up your live and remote classrooms

In your Teacher’s View, click on the Teacher Launchpad to bring out a plethora of responses, tools and study set games that you can launch ANYTIME during a lesson. There is no prep required and it throws in an element of spontaneity to the class!

In fact, have you explored the latest two fun games that we added in 2022? 

What Word? is a fun word puzzle for students to guess any 3 to 7-letter words, with a default of 6 attempts. Learn how to customize and configure this study set game here:

Typing Race allows students to test their typing speed and accuracy! You can use random text or customized text in the Slide Apps version. In the Study Set Games version, the study set term or definition will be used instead. Students will be given their results in words per minute (WPM) and accuracy level in %.

Don’t forget to check out the amazing Interactive Video feature in Deck.Toys as well, where you can embed, search and trim YouTube videos, prevent students from skipping forward the video and check students’ understanding with Lock & MCQ Apps!

Explore the Deck Gallery

It’s no better time than to search the Deck Gallery for some amazing ready-to-use decks for the new school year! There are more than 10,000 decks from all subjects and languages created by teachers like you in here, so you can save time from creating decks from scratch. Simply make a copy of the deck and edit in your own Dashboard. More info here:

Let us know if you need any help on how to start your school year with Deck.Toys!


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