Interactive Video
Unveiling the biggest product update ever in Deck.Toys - The Interactive Video Feature!
Unveiling the biggest product update ever in Deck.Toys - The Interactive Video Feature!
Check out how this Deputy Head of MFL from England got so engrossed making decks in Deck.Toys till she forgot to feed her own children!
Samuel Frydman is a member of the NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics) and has been teaching middle school math in New York for ten years. He has been using Deck.Toys enthusiastically and obsessively since he discovered Deck.Toys in September 2020. Read how he designs amazing lessons that are fun for both his students and [...]
Treasure Key locks, Number locks, Activity Entry locks, Text locks, Direction locks, and even QR code locks? Let us show you how to make use of these locks effectively for your interactive lessons!
This Pro Plan user from Hong Kong is a social worker, a specialist in boardgame education and gamification and works with schoolteachers to provide material about personal growth!
Critical thinking and information literacy are two very important 21st century skills that students should be equipped with to face the new world. This blog explores lessons that inject actual events to everyday learning while making it fun and engaging for students!
This amazing coach from Texas is passionate about making a difference to his students' lives! Learn how he uses Deck.Toys to motivate them in learning!
There are so just many features in Deck.Toys that can be used to engage Mathematics learners effectively - but how do you begin? In this blog post, we will explore the best way to build your next Maths lesson in Deck.Toys and set your students on their Lesson Adventure!
Having a hard time engaging your 6th grade students? Brent White (@CRMS_Science66) is a veteran user of Deck.Toys – 3 years and counting! He teaches 6th grade science in South Carolina (SC), USA and wants to share his experience with everyone. Deck.Toys: Hi Brent! Glad to have you onboard! Tell us more about yourself. Brent: [...]
How often have you heard of someone who started her career in law enforcement, and decided to switch mid-career to a Special Education teacher? This teacher also found Deck.Toys to be so useful that she turned Pro and used it in remote and hybrid settings for her reading intervention class.