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Deck.Toys Blog

Learning Paths for Lesson Adventures

March 2025
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A Math Lesson on Deck.Toys

Boon JinBoon Jin

Deck.Toys allows classroom engagement right from the start of the lesson till the end. Students may also use your decks as review or homework.

Here is an example Math Deck created by Michael, a teacher in our Deck.Toys private beta.
Click on ‘Welcome‘ for the first interactive Activity and do try to reach the Matching or Equivalent Fractions Study Set Activities.

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A potential lesson with example deck can be as follows:

  1. Students connect to your classroom
    • Spark students’ curiosity  with the current lesson on exploring Fractionia
  2. Teacher Sync Mode – you are in control!
    • Introduction slides to roughly gauge students’ understanding of prior concepts with the use of real-time response apps such as Placemarker.
    • You may also use the Buzzer or Randomizer apps to select students to answer verbally in the classroom.
  3. Students’ Self Exploration – set the classroom to Free Mode.
    • For personalized learning, students are able to choose their own paths to complete the lessons with varying difficulties.
    • The paths contain slides with questions and also Study Set activities.
    • When students are familiar with the Study Sets, they may challenge each other in real-time too!
    • The Teacher’s view will show the students avatars’ location on the map. This helps you track the paths and activities that have been completed. You may also display this real-time map on the projector screen.
  4. Class-wide Activity – launch the Draw and Guess app.
    • This is a very fun formative assessment activity where a student will be chosen at random to draw a term from the Study Set, while the other students guess. Expect a lot of giggles in your classroom.
  5. End of Lesson – generate and print Report
    • Use the Report app to produce a centralized printable report with all the students’ answers.
    • Share the Deck to your students by sharing the Deck link or embed it on your class website.

Interested to join the Deck.Toys beta? Sign up here.