Deck.Toys Blog

Deck.Toys Blog

Learning Paths for Lesson Adventures

April 2025
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Keeping students motivated in remote classrooms


It’s Day 30 of remote learning, and the kids are getting tired of the same old slides, attending Zoom lessons, uploading worksheets and going through mountains of homework.

Time to try something truly interactive to perk up the engagement level of your students! By assigning lessons on Deck.Toys, you will be opening up a world of real-time possibilities with your students to keep them motivated to learn!

✅Start the lesson with an ice-breaker using Slides Apps. Try using the ‘Draw’ app to or the ‘Text’ app for them to express their feelings as they enter the lesson. Even better, use the ‘Photo’ app where the students capture their photos within the app to show you how they feel!

View their responses immediately in the ‘Report’ app which you can find in the Teacher Launchpad, and give them responses back immediately too!

✅Get your students on the same slide view as you, using the ‘Teacher Sync’ mode. We recommend you start and end the remote learning class experience with ‘Teacher Sync’ mode. That way, your students will truly feel like a part of a live lesson!

✅While the students are exploring the deck and you feel it’s time to get the students’ attention a bit more, launch the Teacher Launchpad and click on any of the slide apps there on-the-go during the Live classroom… No pre-made activity required here for this option to get the students to participate in an impromptu poll or answer a question with a buzzer! Oodles of excitement guaranteed!

✅Did you know you can also embed Zoom into the Deck.Toys classroom so you can truly simulate the full classroom environment? Now THAT’S a truly immersive experience!

✅If you are only assigning the deck for student-paced mode or what we call ‘Free Mode’, all the tips provided still apply to create a higher engagement level than just a linear set of powerpoint slides. You just have to give a go! 

✅Remember, the magic happens in Deck.Toys classroom, so make sure you assign the deck to your Deck.Toys classroom correctly! More info here:

Check out the video tutorial for the demo on Live Responses in Remote Classroom here!

Sign up to Deck.Toys for free here:

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