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Learning Paths for Lesson Adventures

April 2025
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Halloween Deck Ideas


Halloween is just around the corner! It’s a great time to incorporate some fun deck themes into your everyday lessons or simply set aside a 15-minute brain break with the students for some Halloween trivia. What’s more – they are all free! Check them out today!

Escape from the Haunted House

“Why do the skeletons have low self-esteem?”

“Because they have nobody to love!”

This deck contains many of such funny Halloween riddles and jokes that will keep your students entertained for 15 minutes. Expect howls of laughter as the answers are revealed! The deck is made more challenging with the use of Activity Entry Locks. Suitable for Grades 3 to 8.

Who is the Imposter Among Us?

Who hasn’t heard of the coolest game in town called Among Us? This deck incorporates their favorite game with fun Halloween trivia. A clue given at the end of each activity to unlock the final activity. Get that pencil out while your students figure out who is the imposter! Suitable for Grades 1 to 8.

Read, Write, Round and Compare Decimals

This Math review of place values and decimals by teacher Nicole Bisnar is truly creative with Frankenstein and witches lurking within the activities! The storyline and well-placed GIFs to liven up the slide activities are truly ingenious. Suitable for Grade 5.

Escape the Headless Horseman: American Revolution

Boston Tea Party + Sleepy Hollow? This clever deck by Social Studies teacher Brooke Weddle weaves the storyline of a headless horseman with the American Revolution! She also uses many of the interactive Slide Apps to engage her students! Suitable for Grades 5 to 8.

Who Stole the Halloween Pumpkin?

In another homage to Among Us, students will be asked to find out who stole the pumpkin for the Halloween party and return within the time limit! Study set games are used to test students on trivia such as Halloween symbols and living and non-living things (don’t think a skeleton is a living thing presumably?). Suitable for Grades 1 to 8.

Spanish Grammar Quiz – Halloween special

Learning Spanish can be easy with a twist of Halloween fun! Here’s a wonderful deck by Rachel Trimble for her High School Spanish students to learn verb phrases, present progressive tense and direct object pronouns. The use of the deck background video truly creates an electrifying experience!

Make a copy and share!

For all the decks featured here, you can make a copy and edit all the contents for free! Just follow these steps:

To use the decks, simply assign them to your Deck.Toys Classroom and share the URL to your students. More info here:


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