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Learning Paths for Lesson Adventures

January 2025
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Classroom Reports in Deck.Toys


Students had tons of fun with your Deck.Toys lesson, but as a teacher, you would still want to check the progress they have made for their lesson. Here we introduce you to the Report App where you can generate the report for your Classroom, either for the whole class or filtered by student. 

What does the Classroom Report contain?

The report contains the following information:

  1. The number of students that have completed the respective Activity
  2. The score for each student on each Activity
  3. The total score for each student on the Deck
  4. The percentage of completion for all students. 

Wait… the scores don’t make sense to me!

The scoring system for Deck.Toys is designed to maximize student gamification and to allow them to ‘shop’ and buy Power-Ups with the points that they have accumulated, which you can only see from Students’ View, so please do not take this as a points marking exercise! 

How should I use the report information?

Use the information to help address which student is unable to progress on a certain activity; and to check if the level of the deck was well-designed for the intent of your lesson. A Lock App that was difficult to break through would have likely resulted in a very poor percentage of completion for that activity and thus you may need to reconsider how to include a more suitable app in the future. Read here to understand the difference between a self-validation app vs a free form response app:

How long does Deck.Toys allow me to keep the Classroom report?

Student data will only be retained for 7 days only in the Free Plan and for 30 days in the Pro Plan. Print out your report into PDF format if you need to keep records of the students’ progress beyond than this period.

How do I get to the Classroom Reports? 

Two ways to retrieve the Classroom reports:

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