Teacher Feature: Gamifying MFL Lessons
Learn how a distinguished MFL teacher utilizes Deck.Toys to create amazingly fun and engaging lessons for her Y7 to Y13 Spanish students!
Learn how a distinguished MFL teacher utilizes Deck.Toys to create amazingly fun and engaging lessons for her Y7 to Y13 Spanish students!
Deck.Toys is an interactive, powerful and fun platform to teach Languages, whether in English, Mandarin, French, Spanish or German! Here, we will show you some amazing tips to engage your language students effectively.
The amazing Deck Background Video feature is now made available to our Free Plan users too! Learn how to upload these videos in this post!
Deck.Toys is an amazing platform to build digital escape rooms! Read on to find out how to build your own escape room.
You just created the most amazing deck on Deck.Toys but haven’t figured out quite how to share this deck with your fellow colleagues as well as your students. Read on to learn more!
It’s getting a little dry, with the same old quizzes and the same old worksheets. Kids engagement levels are falling and you are struggling to keep their attention in your online class. It’s high time you looked at Deck.Toys to jazz up the lesson… pronto! Set the tone right with an eye-catching deck background Imagine your [...]
Deck.Toys is very excited to launch our fantastic 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway! Read on to find out how you can win Amazon.com gift cards every day, up to USD100 in value.
Instead of a static image, we have introduced a new feature that allows you to upload a video as your deck background!
Some teachers find it difficult to engage middle school students with subjects like Social Studies. But not this teacher from New Jersey who is using Deck.Toys!
In this Teacher Feature, a Grade 7-12 Science Teacher shares how she has used Deck.Toys for 3 years to allow student choice and give students control over their pace of learning.